Hinduism - The World's Oldest Religion?
Anyone familiar with Hinduism will be familiar with the claims that the Vedas are the world's oldest surviving religious texts. As such, the constellation of beliefs and practices that make up Hinduism are far ranging and include a number of different philosophies and deas regarding the ulitmate nature of reality and the purpose of human life.Nonetheless, at base, Hinduism is monotheistic (even if appearances are to the contrary) and, unlike Buddhism, posits a Creator. As such, the interpretations of NDEs and the afterlife may be familiar to those of a Judeo-Christian background.
A Brief Primer on Hindu Afterlife Beliefs
Although I was unable to find any accounts of a Hindu experiencing an NDE (I will keep looking) I did find some interesting vidoes here:
Reincarnation - Doesn't that Change Everything?
At first glance one might assume that belief in reincarnation would lead to a completely different conception of the afterlife and NDEs, but, as is shown in such works as the Tibetan Book of the Dead, thr process of death and rebirth seems to mirror many aspects of NDEs as reported by many in North America.
I have included the video below as an introduction to the Hindu belief in reincarnation but am highly interested in collecting actual accounts of people who are Hindu and have experienced NDEs. Please write me at pretas.and.devas@gmail.com if you have any leads and enjoy the videos.
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